Friday, February 13, 2009

Passenger drive me mad!!!!

The thought of getting on a flight to Toronto was sending me into mild hysteria! Its 14hrs with 250 people!But I couldnt swop it so I had to go.
To say it was a demanding flight is a hideous understatment.Lets start with the family from Burma who cant speak any,I repeat ANY english and ar travelling with their 8 children all of them on a plane for the first time.Try serving them a meal or trying to find out if they want anything to drink,they cant even say water. Then try getting them to use the toilet and flush-near impossible.Not to mention the mess they made,I've never seen such a filthy plane.Food,papers,old socks you name it,it was beneath their seats!
Then the family with 2 sick children.Before we've even taken off I see the son throwing up into the sick bag.Why would you fly when you ill?especially 14hrs,what if you get worse? Do passengers actually think that we have an entire hospital on board?That Im qualified to identify your symptoms and perscribe you the correct medication? That would make me a doctor and in that case do you think I would choose the glamarous job of an air steward????
Now my favourite family on the flight,the one with 2 sick children.Not only sick but severely sick.Both children vomitting and shitting everywhere.And yes everywhere means in the aisle of the plane. Now as previously mentioned Im no doctor but even I know that a stomach bug is catchy.If even tiny particles of poo get on your hands and you touch your food or mouth that you can get it.So it was really fun having to clean up runny baby poo at 39 000 feet!
So besides the sick passengers what about the rude demanding ones.
Doing a meal service and the options are chicken or beef but I've run out of beef so you only left with chicken.
On the menu it says we cant guarantee your meal choice but still you've never seen people get so angry.I just look at them and think you idiot! Do you realise that you are miles above the ground in a metal bullet flying through the air?That the fact that we will get you safely from A to B.That there are a hundred things I have to concentrate on to ensure the smooth running of the flight?
Im keeping and eye on the guy in the back who is drinking to much and is shouting for a ciggie? Do you realise that if he smoked in the bathroom and and the thousands of tissues in the waste bin catch on fire and we dont get to that fire in time we could crash?We have only 90secconds to put a fire out before its out of control.
Now does having to eat the beef sound so bad? And come on,it all tastes the same!!!!
What about the passenger who pushes the call bell a hundred times.You do realise that we are doing a million things in the back? And that yes,even I need to sit and eat at some point.If I dont eat and Im weak and something happens on board and I dont have the strength to do CPR on you or open the door in an emergency who you going to turn to? Are you trained to do that?
So when I drop everything and come to your call bell and you ask me for a glass of water or worse yet a cup of tea,you can be rest assured that the smile on my face is fake!
Get up and come to the back and ask for it yourself! Its good for you to walk around and it really makes the crew feel better and then they'll be so nice to you.
And my personal mission is to teach people to bring their own water onto the plane.You can buy it from duty free! That way you have water with you at all times and you dont have to ring for it!
It makes sense,I would never travel without water!
So straight after take off I handed out customs cards for Canada.13 hours later while we rushing around doing the thousand things that need to be done just before landing and you ring the call bell and I dont come,and you have to come to the back and get angry with me that Im not answering your call and then ask me for a customs form Im going to get mad! You've had 13 hours to realsie that you've lost yours,13 hours!But you wait for 5 minutes before touch down!
You drive me mad!!!!!!
We about to land everyone is sitting,including the crew.We've come around and collected all your blankets and headsets,we've told you to put your seat up,seatbelt on and window blind up.Only an idiot would not know we about to land. So why.Why oh why oh why do you stand up and try and go to the toilet?
Everyone is sitting down,the crew are in the jumpseats! SIT DOWN!!!!!!
Then we land and the captain says please remain in your seat till the plane has come to a COMPLETE stop.Theres no rush,you cant get out of the plane till we open the doors,theres no where for you to go!
Ah yes girls,this is the glamarous life I lead!!!!

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